Special Notice -National Education Examinations Authority – British Council English Assessment Research Grants

  Call for Research Proposals

  National Education Examinations Authority – British Council English Assessment Research Grants is jointly set up and funded by the National Education Examinations Authority, Ministry of Education, P. R. China and the British Council. The scheme aims to encourage researchers inside and outside China to conduct research on the China’s Standard of English Language Ability (hereafter ‘CSE’). Researchers in the field of language teaching and assessment are welcome to apply for the grants.

  I. Research Topics

  We are expecting research proposals closely related to the CSE. The research proposals can be, but not limited to the following topics.

  1. The application of the CSE in English assessment;

  2. The application of the CSE in English teaching;

  3. The application of the CSE in English learning;

  4. The impact of the CSE;

  5. Other topics related to the CSE.

  II. Project Types

  There will be three project types, i.e. international cooperation projects, key projects and general projects. The amount of funding for each type is ¥150,000 (RMB yuan, hereafter), ¥40,000 and ¥20,000 respectively.

  III. Proposal Submission:

  1. Requirements

  The requirements for applicants’ qualification, research procedural and final outcomes, etc. are illustrated in National Education Examinations Authority – British Council Management Principles for English Assessment Research Grants Scheme (see Appendix A).

  2. Submission Procedure

  (1) Log onto the website: http://cse.neea.edu.cn or https://www.britishcouncil.cn/exams/cse-scheme. Please read the notifications, and then download the management principles and the application form.

  (2) Complete the application form in detail, get it signed off, and then save as a .pdf document. The naming method of the pdf document is as the following: project type_name_proposal title (for example: international/key/general_Zhou Jia_The application of the CSE in classroom teaching). All the other supplementary materials shall be saved with the application form in a compressed file. The name of the compressed file shall be the same as that of the application form.

  (3) Please send the compressed file to englishresearch@mail.neea.edu.cn.

  IV. Deadline for Proposals

  Deadline for proposals is postponed till March 15th, 2020.

  V. Inquiry

  E-mail: englishresearch@mail.neea.edu.cn

  Telephone: (86)10-85919142, (86)10-82520221, (86)10-82520218

  Special Notice:

  Affected by novel coronavirus pneumonia, it may not be convenient for some applicants to go back to schools or research institutions at the moment. If you were unable to provide the financial department official seal & signature of the head of financial department in section VII, and the institutional seal in section VIII of the application form, you are not required to provide them right now. When your proposal passes the initial selection, we will contact you and ask for the complete application form with the institutional and financial department seals. The deadline for proposals is postponed till March 15th.



  1. National Education Examinations Authority – British Council Management Principles for English Assessment Research Grants Scheme
  2. National Education Examinations Authority – British Council English Assessment Research Grants Application Form

  National Education Examinations Authority

  British Council
